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Eligibility Criteria

We are looking for author-led creative documentary proposals aiming for international co-production. The proposed projects should preferably be at the late development or production stage. 

Who can Apply

All film makers / producers, by nationality belonging to one of the Asian countries, are eligible to apply for DocedgeKolkata 2023.

Who cannot Apply

Multiple entries from the same filmmaker/ producer will not be accepted.

Films which are already completed are not eligible for application.

Producer/Director not belonging to Asian Countries.

Students of any academic institution are not eligible to apply with a project. However they can apply as Observers.

Application Method

Online only. Application by email orby post are not accepted

Application Process

The Application requires the following docs during submission.

·  Logline brief summary of your story within one or two sentences(maximum 45 words).

· SynopsisAn overview of the proposed story highlighting the story premise, most important aspects of your story, your main characters and  their objectives and motivation in the  given circumstances along with story plot and theme.(maximum 400words).

·  TreatmentElaborate what the proposed film is about while highlighting the motives and journey of the main characters and where the story is set. Describe the events, changes, and conflicts with significant plot points underlining  where the story is going and how it will reach a resolution and what happens at the end. Include the author’s unique visual approach and style (maximum 1000 words). 

·  Director’s StatementElaborate on your vision of the story, inspiration, motivation and personal connection or compelling causes, if any(maximum 300 words)

·  Short Bio-filmographyApplicant’s filmography (maximum 300 words each)

·  Visual TrailerAn edited audi-visual clip of the proposed film (maximum 3 minutes)

Total No. of Projects to be selected:

All applications that are complete will be considered for selection. 

It is assumed and expected that the selected participants are available to attend all the sessions of DocedgeKolkata AFD 2023, both online and in-person.

A maximum of 24 projects including awarded projects from other Asian markets/ forums will be selected to participate in DocedgeKolkata 2023.

The selections for DocedgeKolkata2023 shall be considered final and binding.


Any aspiring filmmaker or producer, student of film, media and art institutions and professionals or early-career filmmakers from an Asian country can apply as an Observer to attend workshops and sessions of DocegeKolkata 2023.

We have a limited number of Observer slots for the workshop and the selections for DocedgeKolkata 2023 shall be considered final and binding.

Please refer to the Application Guidelines for more information.

Participant With A Project

Participant As An Observer

To know about the Fees structure click here. 

all rights reserved to Documentry Resource Initiative, designed by Sudipta Shankar Roy & developed by GLOBOPEX